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作者:站长     加入日期:2011年05月28日     点击:13688


我们需求的产品为高质量的汽车配件,标准为原厂配件标准We are lookingfor suppliers that can produce products with OEM quality. The products are going to be sold to our aftermarket customers.:

福特和马自达汽车/ Ford and Mazda cars:

刹车垫 / Brake pads.
空气和机油的滤清器/ Air and fuel filters.
停车传感器/ Parking sensors.
频幕 / Head rest with DVD player.
控制中心 / Flip down monitors with DVD.
汽车警报器 / Car alarms.
汽车音响 / Car stereos
Rines / Wheels
氙灯 / Xenon lights.
主体部分如护舷、 罩、 梁、 门、 顶等/ Body parts such as fenders, hoods, trunks, doors, roofs, etc.

2. 美国载重汽车/ Heavy duty American Trucks
制动器衬片 / Brake linings
空气、汽油和机油的滤清器/ air, oil and water separators filters.公共汽车和卡车轮胎/ Tires for buses and trucks.
底特律柴油机部件l / Replacement parts for Detroit Diesel engines.

数量要视产品来确定, 有些是拼装货柜,有些则为整柜。The volumens will depend on the product, in some cases we will consolidate containers and in other cases will be full containers.



企业Zapata Corporation

地址Blvd. Bernardo Quintana No. 588

San Pedrito Peuelas Querétaro, México C.P. 76148

电话及传真:52 442.309.35.00

联系人: Luis Chavez

Email: lchavez@zapata.com.mx

Web. www.zapata.com.mx



发布企业:  宁德市国际商会
联系地址:  宁德市蕉城北路39号
联系人:  宁德市国际商会
联系电话:  86 593 2766182
联系传真:  86 593 2766166
E-mail:  llbnd@ccpit.org
网 址:  
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